If you are feeling seriously depressed over the holiday – unfortunately it’s not always a time of peace and goodwill – remember that there are always professionals on the end of the phone to talk to. Samaritans can be reached on 0845-7909090.
The community mental health team have a 24 hour service on 01375-372468 and anyone feeling suicidal can go to their local A& E department – they don’t just deal with physical trauma. Our counsellor, Joy Thompson, can be reached on 07754-409472 if you are looking for a more long term support.
If you are feeling down at Christmas, you remember the following:
- Remember it is only one day
- Make a list of ten things you can be grateful for – concentrate on simple things like feeling the sun, wind or rain on your face, being able to smell the crisp air, having a roof over your head etc. If you can’t think of ten, just do five.
She recalls the advice of a famous hypnotherapist who recommended walking along counting chimney pots (over Christmas you might make it Christmas lights, or birds in trees). This can be very effective because our body language can have a great impact on the way we feel – if we are looking up and focusing on something else, we aren’t looking at the ground and thinking about our problems.