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Neck strain from using mobile devices

June 22, 2015
neck strain and pain

neck strain caused by using mobile devices

Have YOU got text neck? How hunching over your phone puts 60lbs of extra pressure on the spine
• Slumping to look at a phone puts extra pressure on the cervical spine
• Cervical spine is the part of the spine above the shoulders in the neck
• Bending the head at a 60 degree angle puts adds 60lbs worth of pressure
• At more than four stone, that is heavier than the average seven year old
• Extra weight leads to wear and tear, back pain and could require surgery
• Previous studies have warned bad posture leads to health problems
Do you spend hours hunched over your phone, checking texts, tweets and emails?
Do you also suffer from neck and back pain?
If so, the two may well be related.
New research has found that slumping to read a text or study a selfie can put undue pressure on the neck, leading to a sore back.
This is because bending the neck increases the pressure put on the spine.
Bending the head at a 60 degree angle to look at a phone screen puts 60 lbs – or 27kg – worth of pressure on the cervical spine, the part of the spine above the shoulders, the study found.
At more than four stone in weight, that is heavier than the average seven year old.
The extra pressure put on the neck leads to early wear and tear and the person may eventually need surgery, experts said.
By Madlen Davies for MailOnline


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