Why is #osteopathy so popular for treating pain?
Most other treatments focus just on the bit that hurts – the #dodgyback, the #ankle you keep twisting, #tenniselbow, that recurring headache. But #osteopaths look for the trigger that sets these problems off.
If we can find the cause rather than just easing the symptoms, then it will help you control the pain better and let you live a more normal life without having to keep taking time off work or stop your favourite sport.
You can call Peter Still at Grays Complementary Clinic any day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. You may sometimes have to leave a message but he will call you back as soon as he is free.
See https://fit4living.co.uk for more info on osteopathy or any of our range of other complementary therapies.
If you are feeling seriously depressed over the holiday – unfortunately it’s not always a time of peace and goodwill – remember that there are always professionals on the end of the phone to talk to. Samaritans can be reached on 0845-7909090.
The community mental health team have a 24 hour service on 01375-372468 and anyone feeling suicidal can go to their local A& E department – they don’t just deal with physical trauma. Our counsellor, Joy Thompson, can be reached on 07754-409472 if you are looking for a more long term support.
If you are feeling down at Christmas, you remember the following:
She recalls the advice of a famous hypnotherapist who recommended walking along counting chimney pots (over Christmas you might make it Christmas lights, or birds in trees). This can be very effective because our body language can have a great impact on the way we feel – if we are looking up and focusing on something else, we aren’t looking at the ground and thinking about our problems.
I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break – it probably seems a long time ago now!
Some people have told me that they came to the door but found we were closed. This is because the therapists are only in the clinic when they have patients. However you can contact us between 8am and 8pm on the above number; if we are not at the clinic, the call will transfer to my mobile and I will either book you in directly of give you the therapist’s number.
It’s that time of year again when the overstretch of your belt is only exceeded by the overstretch of your wallet!
Here’s a few tips to keep you safe over Christmas, from an osteopath’s view.